Beltane does not just magically happen. It comes about with the help of its awesome volunteers and the participants’ community service. We thank each and every one of you who attends and takes your turn in one way or another to serve for the benefit of all. We have zero paid staff, so every bit of the work that is required to run the event, from checking people in at the gate to running rituals to refilling handwashing stations to transporting the Maypole to dousing the fires at night, and everything else in between, is provided by festival attendees. We are proud to say that our festival family takes service seriously – 97% of our 400+ celebrants contributed at least one shift last year, and many people took several shifts! This allows us to keep ticket prices low, and helps to build a sense of community and shared purpose among participants.
Community service shifts are two hours long and are available in the following areas:
- Order of Ma’at: Staff the Gate, check people in when they arrive and help with event orientation.
- Order of Seva: Help attendees with work-shift sign ups and assist Gate personnel.
- Order of the Dagda: Assist Gate personnel and festival attendees with necessary odd jobs. Good slot for youth attendees! Dagda volunteers get double raffle tickets for their service.
- Order of Themis: Promote and support community standards of care for one another and the sacred land upon which we celebrate.
- Order of Vulcan: Fire circle safety, especially ensuring that all sacred fires are doused each night.
- Order of Hygeia: Assist with site cleanup, recycling & trash pickup.
- Maypole Transport: Bring the Maypole from offsite onto the ritual grounds, and remove the Maypole from the earth and return it to its resting place offsite. Upper body strength required.
- Silver Moon: Act as dispatcher to call Silver Moon personnel if help is required. Promote responsible behavior and safeguard the health and safety of all. NOTE: At least one person per shift must be 18+.